Paralegal Alliance Network

The Paralegal Alliance Network (PAN) is a consortium of 20 non-governmental Legal Aid Service Providers (LASPs) in Zambia.

What We Do?

Paralegal Training

The network collaborates with various training institutions such as ZIALE, the Legal Aid Board and many more to develop curriculum and train paralegals.

Stake Holder Training

We contact conference training for various stakeholders to inform them of the needs and concerns regarding legal aid and safeguarding Human Rights amongst many.

Digitalising Access to Justice

We are also taking initiative to ensure that Access to Justice movement takes advantage of technological advancement to bring legal knowledge to people

Out Reach

We also do outreaches to conscientise various stakeholders of the legal issues at hand.PAN has embarked on various outreach programs such as Voter education.


We also do advocacy to have laws that supports access to justice for all. Development of a guide to outlining for justice and health officers on how to handle cases.

Our Story

The Paralegal Alliance Network (PAN) is a consortium of 20 non-governmental Legal Aid Service Providers (LASPs) in Zambia.

PAN’s mission is to leverage the collective power of its network members to improve access to justice for all indigents, detainees and in particular to ensure that the rights of persons with psychosocial and intellectual disabilities, both victims and defendants, are upheld during their interface with the criminal justice system thus challenging the acute discrimination experienced by this constituency throughout the criminal justice chain. Formed in 2000 by the Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP), Young Women Christian Association (YWCA), Zambia Civic Education Association (ZCEA) and Legal Resources Foundation (LRF), PAN was hosted as a programme by the CCJP till 2013 when it was registered as a company by guarantee under PACRA and as an NGO under the NGOs Act.

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